Category Archives: P90X2

How Should You Count Foods for P90X, X2, or X3?

I am always looking for answers to your questions and I found a good answer on P90X nutrition from two experts, Steve Edwards and Denis Faye.  This post appears in the Team Beachbody blog, so I am sharing it and the video where Steve and Denis provide some answers.

“In a recent chat, experts Steve Edwards and Denis Faye explained how to count your foods for the P90X series portion plans. Should you count each food once, or if it falls into more than one category should you count it multiple times? Push play for the answer.”

PS – If the video does not start at the right time for you, please set it to 57:06.


Do You Have An After Picture Yet?

Know what happens when you put work first, yourself last, and smoke and drink in all your spare time? You get fat. Get divorced. Never have any energy. And hate the way you look at feel.

Know what happens when you realize that life’s passing you by and that if you don’t change now, your three little kids are going to grow up without a father? You throw out your smokes and your booze, order P90X, and set out to change your life.

In the 1st 45 days of P90X, I lost 45 pounds and gained a tremendous amount of strength, energy, and happiness. One of the greatest things about this program is that Tony shows you how to modify every move until you’re strong enough to do them full out. And I got to say, modifying the routines and still achieving my desired results was what kept me motivated to keep pushing play every single day.

In just a month and a half, I went from a size 44 (which was tight) to a size 36, and my body fat went from 31% to 14%—so I had to go out and buy new clothes. Before P90X, my triglycerides where at 1500 (10 times higher than normal), but now they’re stable at 105. Not only am I happy about that stat, so is my doctor!

But I couldn’t have done it on my own. My biggest cheerleader my Coach, Valerie, who was very instrumental in my success. She was always there for me when I needed support, and when I started thinking about becoming a Coach, Valerie was the nudge I needed to take that step. But all along, my #1 motivation to change were my kids—those little rascals are everything to me. So even though I’ve lost a ton of weight, my biggest transformation has been inside of me. I’m so thankful that I put that DVD in the first day and stuck with it. People are starting to notice the new person I’ve become, and their compliments feel great.

Not only do I now work out every day, I also drink Shakeology, take the Results and Recovery Formula, Joint Formula, and eat P90X protein bars every day, too. Shakeology’s great because it fuels my body with proper nutrition while giving me tons of energy. R&R helps me recover quicker from my workouts by reducing the pain in my muscles. The Joint Formula has saved my knees. And the P90X bars give me that extra boost of energy I need after a long day of work, and before I work out.

Since my journey first began two years ago, I’ve completed P90X2 and INSANITY, and am currently doing Body Beast and RevAbs. Living healthy and Team Beachbody have become permanent parts of my life and I’ve never been happier or have had this much confidence. Thanks Beachbody, you saved me.

Anthony participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for July 17th!

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challenge™, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

P90X2 A Slam Dunk?

Steve Edwards in his Straight Dope blog has a great post about Jeremy Evans who won the NBA slam dunk competition on All Star Weekend.  Steve says, “In this video of Evans training at P3 you’ll see him doing a lot of the same movements we do in P90X2, including the exact same PAP movements (step-up convicts to split squats).

P90X2 is the New Standard of Xtreme Fitness

P90X2 is no ordinary sequel. It is the result of two years of R&D conducted by a team of the most qualified experts in fitness.  It is training so cutting edge, so outrageously effective, you’ll be blown away by your visible results. AND your performance.

P90X2 in DVD and Blu-rayP90X® is based on Muscle Confusion to break through normal 30-day training plateaus so you get results fast. P90X2 ups the ante with a training technique developed by professional sports trainers for world class results: P.A.P., or Post-Activation Potentiation. Don’t try to remember the word, just remember that it works. Like crazy.

With P90X2, you get 12 groundbreaking workouts focused on chiseling your body while building your balance, agility, core strength, and athleticism. It includes new customization with an all-new, highly flexible Nutrition Guide to help you excel.

THIS, is training. Better training than most pro athletes get. The kind of cross-training that separates posers from performers.  And with emphasis on your abs/core, powerful athletic function, and lightning-bolt agility, it’ll help you blast through your plateaus.

P90X2 is available for purchase from any of the coaches pictured at right.  You can also join one of their Beachbody Challenge groups to maximize the effectiveness of your workouts.

P90X2 includes these 12 groundbreaking workouts:
  • X2 CORE

    X2 COREThe cornerstone of P90X2: Master this core workout and see all your movement patterns improve. (approx. 57 min.)


    PLYOCIDECombine explosive movements with mind and body coordination,
    and watch performance go through the roof. (approx. 57 min.)


    X2 RECOVERY + MOBILITYTake rest and turn it into total body  realignment. The key: an effective technique called foam rolling . . . (approx. 58 min.)


    X2 TOTAL BODYInstability plus resistance equals pure muscle-building
    efficiency with every rep. (approx. 64 min.)

  • X2 YOGA

    X2 YOGAIncrease isometric power, improve your range of motion, and strengthen your stabilizer muscles. (approx. 68 min.)


    X2 BALANCE + POWERFortify the link between balance and power, and your core has no choice but to get stronger. (approx. 63 min.)


    CHEST + BACK + BALANCEWork out from unstable platforms and gain strength and balance at a rate that can’t be matched by traditional weight training.
    (approx. 60 min.)


    X2 SHOULDERS + ARMSKeep shoulders and arms strong and in balance. And look
    great in sleeveless shirts. (approx. 53 min.)


    BASE + BACKCutting-edge science sculpts your two largest muscle groups
    in this pull-up and plyo extravaganza. (approx. 56 min.)

  • P.A.P. LOWER

    P.A.P. LOWERThis revolutionary sports training technique helps translate
    fitness into pro-level performance. (approx. 63 min.)

  • P.A.P. UPPER

    P.A.P. UPPERMany of the world’s fittest athletes have been destroyed
    (and fired up) by these seemingly straightforward moves. See what they do for
    you. (approx. 53 min.)


    X2 AB RIPPERThat solid core you’re looking for? Find it in this, the
    next generation ab-ripping workout. (approx. 17 min.)

P90X2 tools for optimal results:
  • P90X2 Nutrition GuideP90X2 Nutrition Guide.
    New, easily
    customizable, and geared for athletic performance. Flexible daily menus let you
    pick the balance of foods that works for YOUR body.
  • P90X2 Fitness GuideP90X2 Fitness Guide.
    Your go-to book
    for getting the most out of doing the program. Includes prepping for P90X2, how
    it works, how to use it, a breakdown of workouts, and much more.
  • How to Bring It AgainHow to Bring It Again.
    Prepare for the
    program with this complete video overview of the entire P90X2 system that tells
    you everything you need to know.
  • P90X2 Workout CalendarP90X2 Workout Calendar. Stay on track. This
    specially-designed calendar helps you plan and schedule workouts, as well as
    recovery time.
  • Online SupportOnline Support.
    Get access to fitness
    experts, peer support, and extra motivation.

The Top 10 Questions About P90X2 – By Steve Edwards

What’s the difference between P90X® and P90X2? This is the question of the year, and it can’t be answered in a simple sentence, or even one article. So I’ve written this series to help you decide whether or not P90X2 is the program for you. I wish I could tell all of you that P90X2 is right for you, but I’m too responsible for that. I’m sure one of Beachbody’s huge collection of programs will work for each of you, but if you want to know specifically whether that right one is P90X2, read on.  Continued…