Tag Archives: p90x weight loss

Doug Lost Weight and Became Athletic Looking

How about some morning inspiration to start the day off right.  Doug woke up today and found out that he had won $500.00 in The Beachbody Challenge – a contest that you enter and have a chance to win based on your success story.  Doug made a commitment to his family to be healthier, lost weight, got more energy and as a bonus, he and his family have that $500.00 to enjoy!

He was interviewed by Beachbody and then a panel of judges reviewed his interview and before and after pictures and today he became a winner in one more way.  Here is Doug before and after and below his pictures is his interview:


Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?*
I have always worked out in gyms, but never saw great results. It was because I wasn’t pushing myself hard enough, or eating well enough. I just thought having a great body was not in the cards for me.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?*
At the beginning of every summer, I would see all of the guys at the beach or pool with strong, muscular bodies. I would feel jealous and wish I had that look from both a health standpoint, and a confidence standpoint. A friend had great success losing 50 pounds with P90X, and INSANITY, so I decided to give P90X a shot!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?*
The biggest challenge for me was finding the time. With 2 kids and a full-time job, it was hard to workout. I saw it as selfish. I could have been cleaning the house, or doing laundry, to help out my wife and kids. I had to commit to the program and I did!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?*
I did P90X3 this round to become all around healthier. Not trying to get lean or huge. Just working on flexibility, athleticism, agility, and fitness. X3 is for those who want to enjoy life…period.

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?*
P90X3 burned off that last bit of fat that showed off my abs, but more importantly it got me more flexible and athletic.

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?*
Just having more energy to play with my kids and family.

How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I ran my first; it was great because it got a few others in shape too!

How did your Team Beachbody® Coach support you on your journey?
Josh is amazing. Even though he has thousands of people he is coaching, I felt like I was the only one. He was easy to connect with and would answer any question I had. If I was doubting myself, or the program, he would get me right back on track.

How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program (such as Shakeology® or Beachbody Ultimate Reset®) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?
One benefit, that was not on the label, was a new sense of energy. Since drinking Shakeology, I feel better in every aspect of life. My sleep is better, my energy is better, and I know my body is now working better than it ever has.

If you would be interested in entering The Beachbody Challenge and having a chance to win $500.00, just click here.

If you have questions, I would be glad to answer them.

Fat and Lethargic to Mean and Lean!

Patrick’s story…

“I was always a little overweight growing up. And even though I was active duty Army for 7 1/2 years and maintained Army standards throughout my enlistment, at times I was pretty close to failing the Army Physical Fitness Test and body fat percentage standard. Fast-forward 5 years — I was at my heaviest weight (265 lbs.) and in the worst health ever. After work I’d go home, watch TV, and crash early. I’d eat out or have fast food delivered just about every single day, which is probably why I had high blood pressure and was suffering from gout. Because of my poor health, I was in chronic pain, had difficulty walking, and felt pretty down about myself all the time. I was on a path of self-destruction and knew I had to do something to save my own life.

Then one day I decided that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! So I ordered P90X, did it three times, cleaned up my diet, lost 80 pounds, and felt amazing. But after losing so much fat, it was time to add some muscle mass. I knew Body Beast was right for me and would give me the results I wanted. Body Beast did not let me down. It pushed me as hard as I could go, and I really enjoyed the program and loved the intensity of the weight lifting sessions. Beast gave me an immediate pump, and its concentrated muscle group workouts can’t be beat. My favorite thing about doing a Body Beast workout is that after I’m done, I feel so BEASTLY!

In 90 days I packed on 15 lbs. of muscle and now my whole body is more filled out. I went from having 15 1/2 inch biceps to 17 inch ones. My chest is more lifted, my shoulders are bigger, and my back is HUGE. I got a six-pack developing, my legs are stronger than ever, and they even have some shape to them instead of looking like chicken legs. I truly do love this program and the results that come with it. I’m more fit now than I’ve been in my entire life and the people who have known me for a while constantly congratulate me and compliment my weight loss and muscle gain—it never gets old!

Beyond working out, Shakeology was also crucial to my success. It helped me lose weight, keeps me regular, and cleared up my skin. Cleaning up my daily diet and adding Shakeology has made all the difference in the world because now, my gout and high blood pressure are definitely in check! I’ve also been taking Hardcore Base Shake, Fuel Shot, MAX Creatine, and Super Suma. They helped me meet my required calorie and macronutrient levels for Body Beast. I don’t think I would have gained as much mass without the Body Beast Supplements.

My online Challenge Group was very supportive of my workouts and progress and I loved the teamwork and comradery. Plus, my Coach, Donna, was great. She’s been there for me since day 1, always supporting and helping me, especially in the beginning when I needed it the most. Donna’s a Rock Star Coach!!! She inspired me so much that I, too, became a Beachbody Coach. It feels so great to be a positive role model in people’s lives and I truly want to help end the trend of obesity. I know that if I can lose weight, other people can too.

I told myself when I was overweight, that I deserve to be healthier, happier, and more confident. My own determination got me to where I am today and I would tell everyone who is starting a lifestyle change to find your “why I want to do this,” and that should be enough to keep your determination going. I recommend that you find a support group, or someone to keep you accountable, eat clean, keep a food diary, and exercise every day!”

Meet Patrick.  He participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for October 16th!

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challenge™, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

Do You Have An After Picture Yet?

Know what happens when you put work first, yourself last, and smoke and drink in all your spare time? You get fat. Get divorced. Never have any energy. And hate the way you look at feel.

Know what happens when you realize that life’s passing you by and that if you don’t change now, your three little kids are going to grow up without a father? You throw out your smokes and your booze, order P90X, and set out to change your life.

In the 1st 45 days of P90X, I lost 45 pounds and gained a tremendous amount of strength, energy, and happiness. One of the greatest things about this program is that Tony shows you how to modify every move until you’re strong enough to do them full out. And I got to say, modifying the routines and still achieving my desired results was what kept me motivated to keep pushing play every single day.

In just a month and a half, I went from a size 44 (which was tight) to a size 36, and my body fat went from 31% to 14%—so I had to go out and buy new clothes. Before P90X, my triglycerides where at 1500 (10 times higher than normal), but now they’re stable at 105. Not only am I happy about that stat, so is my doctor!

But I couldn’t have done it on my own. My biggest cheerleader my Coach, Valerie, who was very instrumental in my success. She was always there for me when I needed support, and when I started thinking about becoming a Coach, Valerie was the nudge I needed to take that step. But all along, my #1 motivation to change were my kids—those little rascals are everything to me. So even though I’ve lost a ton of weight, my biggest transformation has been inside of me. I’m so thankful that I put that DVD in the first day and stuck with it. People are starting to notice the new person I’ve become, and their compliments feel great.

Not only do I now work out every day, I also drink Shakeology, take the Results and Recovery Formula, Joint Formula, and eat P90X protein bars every day, too. Shakeology’s great because it fuels my body with proper nutrition while giving me tons of energy. R&R helps me recover quicker from my workouts by reducing the pain in my muscles. The Joint Formula has saved my knees. And the P90X bars give me that extra boost of energy I need after a long day of work, and before I work out.

Since my journey first began two years ago, I’ve completed P90X2 and INSANITY, and am currently doing Body Beast and RevAbs. Living healthy and Team Beachbody have become permanent parts of my life and I’ve never been happier or have had this much confidence. Thanks Beachbody, you saved me.

Anthony participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for July 17th!

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challenge™, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

A Skinny Guy in a Fat Suit

Meet Kevin.  Thanks to P90X, he doesn’t feel like a skinny guy in a fat suit anymore.”  Here is his story:

“Talk about totally sedative. I’d sit in front of a computer all day, then come home and sit in front of a computer all night playing video games. I snacked constantly. Guzzled sugary drinks. Gorged myself on fast food and microwave pizzas. Heck, I swear I thought potato chips were on the food pyramid.

And it showed. I was so ashamed, I refused to take my shirt off in public—even when I took my son to the pool. Yep, I was THAT guy at the pool wearing his shirt. And I hated it. I was disgusted with myself. I felt like a skinny guy in a fat suit that I couldn’t take off.

Until P90X helped me shed the fat. I chose P90X because I used to play football. I know the value of weight training. And I know that building muscle and losing fat are two different things. Since P90X includes the weight lifting side and the cardio for raw calorie burning, I was in. I’d never done yoga before, but it was a welcome surprise. I think yoga actually made me sweat more than the plyometrics.

And I got awesome results. I lost 81 pounds. I got the abs I always hoped were under there somewhere. I got the body I always wanted. I certainly get more attention from girls. (I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t an initial goal of mine.) But the biggest change is my confidence. I hold my head a little bit higher. And my confidence boost has spilled over into other areas. I’m now looking to pursue a new career path. I want to use what I’ve learned about nutrition to teach kids early on how to take care of their bodies, eat better, and stay healthy so they can live longer.

And it’s all because of P90X. Imagine that!

Kevin lost 81 pounds and won $500.00 in The Beachbody Challenge.  You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challenge™ (go to Howtobefit.com for details)  for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

Not Headed for the Pine Box Just Yet!

Matthew participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for January 9th!

“It took me 7 years to deal with my father’s death. He died of a heart attack at 39, which wasn’t all that surprising since he was a big guy in very poor health. Unfortunately, I was taking after him—pushing 285 at just 26 years old. I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being winded. My blood pressure was 155/92, and I was on my way to a pine box when I saw Tony Horton’s P90X infomercial. The problem was I didn’t think I could do P90X, so I went on a diet instead.

I was getting married and lost 30 pounds on a strict low carb diet, but I gained it all back in 3 months. I felt like a loser, until I saw Tony again, entertaining and keeping everyone motivated. I thought to myself I have to at least try—if not for me, for my wife-to-be.

So I got over my mental block and got started. I lost 75 lbs. and I’m proud to say I’ve kept it off. The best thing about P90X for me is that even though I’m ripped, and in awesome shape, when I’m done I’m still dripping in sweat—and I love it. I started this whole process looking to drop weight, but instead I’ve developed a new lifestyle that I’ll carry with me for the rest of what I hope will be a long, long life.”

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challenge™, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

Melissa Could Barely Get Through the Warm Up!

Meet Mellissa A.! She participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for December 25th!

I’ve always had weight issues. Back in grade six is when I became really self-conscious about it. I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed that I would wear sweaters all year around, no matter how hot it was outside. After having a difficult time in public school, I decided to switch to online home schooling. Food quickly became my best friend.

By the end of high school, I was barely 5ft tall, weighed 210lbs, and wore size 20 jeans. I was severely depressed, embarrassed and fat. I was in a dark place, questioning my life when I heard about P90X. I said, ‘it’s do or die,’ so I forced myself to do it.

I felt this spark I had never felt before. It wasn’t easy, but I knew right away that this was going to save my life. It was a challenge completely out of my comfort zone. At first I could barely get through the warm-up. I would hit pause, stop to catch my breath, and then ask myself if this was really what I wanted to do.

The answer was always YES! So I’d get up, press play and force myself to keep going. I noticed changes very quickly and within a few weeks my ‘fat’ clothes didn’t fit anymore! I felt like I was alive again.

My life has changed drastically since I started P90X. I’ve lost 77 lbs so far. I eat very clean diet- lots of fruits and vegetables, gluten free and no dairy. I also replace one meal a day with Shakeology. For the first time in my life I can finally say that I am truly happy!

Best of all, I can say that I took charge of my life and I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to!