Tag Archives: yoga

Yoga Came Knocking at My Door

You know how your body craves things that it is lacking – like chocolate for instance (okay, that’s not a great example), but if you crave some fruit, though, and you eat a lot of it it just could be that your body needs one or more of its nutrients.

My body does not crave yoga – it needs yoga, but I don’t feel the least little urge to do it.  Talk about mind power, right.  The truth is that I am so stiff that it is embarrassing.  When a runner says to you, “I never stretch.  I don’t need to”, store that comment away and when you see him or her in later years and they are as stiff as a board, then you will see the fallacy in their statement.

I should have stretched, but maybe, just maybe, it’s not too late.

Tuesday afternoon, there was a knock at the door at it was our neighbor and friend from school, Monica, and in her hand was P90X Yoga X – not the complete set, just the Yoga X DVD.  Can you imagine my dismay, when after more than two years, she found the Yoga X DVD that I lent her (any other DVD I would have gotten back right away) in her garage and she was returning it.

Was that a Divine sign?  I have to think that it was.  Yoga X came knocking at my door and now I have no excuses not to do yoga (even though I have the P90X2 and P90X3 yoga workouts as well as Les Mills Pump yoga and the Chalean Extreme yoga workout – all of which are great).

Tony Horton Yoga X posePlus, hint, hint, I know that Tony Horton says that yoga saved his life from reading this Huffington Post article about him and yoga and equally important, what Tony Horton eats for breakfast!

If I had a choice between making a dentist’s appointment and doing yoga, I would make the appointment – which just gave me a great idea.  I will have to schedule and “appointment” in the SuperGym and have a date with Tony and the gang doing Yoga X.  You can click on the link at right to join me!

Soundtrack to P90X2 (or P90X)?

So if you could choose the songs to the soundtrack of P90X2 (or P90X) what would you choose? I know there will be about 16 different workouts so you can get creative. For me if there is a yoga workout, I’d choose something very much like Yoga Fit music. Its more for fast flowing, power yoga. Sort of a like jazz with eastern influences. Maybe some Metallica inspired songs for chest & back workouts. Maybe some Linkin Park type music for shoulders & arms? Who knows! The possibilities are endless! So what would you pick? Share with us and leave your P90X2 (or P90X) music picks in the comments.

Are You Ready for Yoga X?

I remember years ago driving in downtown Albuquerque and seeing a storefront yoga studio with about 50 women all seemingly dressed in pink doing yoga and thinking never in a million years would I do yoga.  Then I did Yoga X and realized what a tough workout it is!  Are you ready for yoga the X way?  Check out P90X and try it risk free for 30 days.  Then let me know if you still think that yoga is just for girls like I did…