Fat and Lethargic to Mean and Lean!

Patrick’s story…

“I was always a little overweight growing up. And even though I was active duty Army for 7 1/2 years and maintained Army standards throughout my enlistment, at times I was pretty close to failing the Army Physical Fitness Test and body fat percentage standard. Fast-forward 5 years — I was at my heaviest weight (265 lbs.) and in the worst health ever. After work I’d go home, watch TV, and crash early. I’d eat out or have fast food delivered just about every single day, which is probably why I had high blood pressure and was suffering from gout. Because of my poor health, I was in chronic pain, had difficulty walking, and felt pretty down about myself all the time. I was on a path of self-destruction and knew I had to do something to save my own life.

Then one day I decided that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! So I ordered P90X, did it three times, cleaned up my diet, lost 80 pounds, and felt amazing. But after losing so much fat, it was time to add some muscle mass. I knew Body Beast was right for me and would give me the results I wanted. Body Beast did not let me down. It pushed me as hard as I could go, and I really enjoyed the program and loved the intensity of the weight lifting sessions. Beast gave me an immediate pump, and its concentrated muscle group workouts can’t be beat. My favorite thing about doing a Body Beast workout is that after I’m done, I feel so BEASTLY!

In 90 days I packed on 15 lbs. of muscle and now my whole body is more filled out. I went from having 15 1/2 inch biceps to 17 inch ones. My chest is more lifted, my shoulders are bigger, and my back is HUGE. I got a six-pack developing, my legs are stronger than ever, and they even have some shape to them instead of looking like chicken legs. I truly do love this program and the results that come with it. I’m more fit now than I’ve been in my entire life and the people who have known me for a while constantly congratulate me and compliment my weight loss and muscle gain—it never gets old!

Beyond working out, Shakeology was also crucial to my success. It helped me lose weight, keeps me regular, and cleared up my skin. Cleaning up my daily diet and adding Shakeology has made all the difference in the world because now, my gout and high blood pressure are definitely in check! I’ve also been taking Hardcore Base Shake, Fuel Shot, MAX Creatine, and Super Suma. They helped me meet my required calorie and macronutrient levels for Body Beast. I don’t think I would have gained as much mass without the Body Beast Supplements.

My online Challenge Group was very supportive of my workouts and progress and I loved the teamwork and comradery. Plus, my Coach, Donna, was great. She’s been there for me since day 1, always supporting and helping me, especially in the beginning when I needed it the most. Donna’s a Rock Star Coach!!! She inspired me so much that I, too, became a Beachbody Coach. It feels so great to be a positive role model in people’s lives and I truly want to help end the trend of obesity. I know that if I can lose weight, other people can too.

I told myself when I was overweight, that I deserve to be healthier, happier, and more confident. My own determination got me to where I am today and I would tell everyone who is starting a lifestyle change to find your “why I want to do this,” and that should be enough to keep your determination going. I recommend that you find a support group, or someone to keep you accountable, eat clean, keep a food diary, and exercise every day!”

Meet Patrick.  He participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for October 16th!

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challenge™, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

Unhealthy and Totally Out of Control

Eric’s Story…

“I’ve never been completely comfortable with my own body. Never been able to do a pull-up. Never liked going to the gym, and never, ever considered myself an “athlete.” I was 280 pounds on my wedding day, and by the time I started my fitness journey, I was over 300 pounds, my blood pressure was sky high, and I was always exhausted, because with my sleep apnea, I hadn’t entered REM sleep for years.

I knew I was unhealthy and totally out of control, but it wasn’t until my son had acute liver failure and needed a transplant to survive that I decided to do something about it. My son’s condition completely turned my life around. To care for him, I became a stay-at-home dad. And that was the turning point—seeing him get stronger every day inspired me to get stronger as well.

I celebrated the second chance he had been given by starting P90X. I’d seen the infomercial so many times I could almost recite Tony’s lines by heart. Plus, I’d seen so many guys who were as big as me totally transform their bodies. So I bought it, took the fitness test—and failed it.

My Plan B was to do Slim in 6 until I was ready for P90X, and when I took the fitness test again, I passed! P90X was everything I had hoped it would be. I loved Tony’s humor, but I respected his serious, passionate side. His “pep” talks totally inspired me. I’m an analytical guy, so I liked being able to meticulously track my progress with the P90X tracking sheets. But what I liked most is that P90X worked, and my Team Beachbody Coach, Amanda, was a big part of that. She didn’t just answer my questions—she sent me tons of articles and info (perfect for the analytical guy!).

I also give a ton of thanks for Shakeology, because getting healthy is more than workouts. Replacing a meal with Shakeology gave me the energy I needed to Bring It and taught me how to eat clean.

Today, I’m happy, healthy, and confident. My life has changed in so many ways. But honestly, without P90X and Shakeology—I don’t know what would have happened to me. Thanks Beachbody!”

Meet Eric. He participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for October 14th!

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challenge™, for the ultimate motivation to get fit!  Select any Beachbody® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.