Tag Archives: shakeology weight loss story

Unhealthy and Totally Out of Control

Eric’s Story…

“I’ve never been completely comfortable with my own body. Never been able to do a pull-up. Never liked going to the gym, and never, ever considered myself an “athlete.” I was 280 pounds on my wedding day, and by the time I started my fitness journey, I was over 300 pounds, my blood pressure was sky high, and I was always exhausted, because with my sleep apnea, I hadn’t entered REM sleep for years.

I knew I was unhealthy and totally out of control, but it wasn’t until my son had acute liver failure and needed a transplant to survive that I decided to do something about it. My son’s condition completely turned my life around. To care for him, I became a stay-at-home dad. And that was the turning point—seeing him get stronger every day inspired me to get stronger as well.

I celebrated the second chance he had been given by starting P90X. I’d seen the infomercial so many times I could almost recite Tony’s lines by heart. Plus, I’d seen so many guys who were as big as me totally transform their bodies. So I bought it, took the fitness test—and failed it.

My Plan B was to do Slim in 6 until I was ready for P90X, and when I took the fitness test again, I passed! P90X was everything I had hoped it would be. I loved Tony’s humor, but I respected his serious, passionate side. His “pep” talks totally inspired me. I’m an analytical guy, so I liked being able to meticulously track my progress with the P90X tracking sheets. But what I liked most is that P90X worked, and my Team Beachbody Coach, Amanda, was a big part of that. She didn’t just answer my questions—she sent me tons of articles and info (perfect for the analytical guy!).

I also give a ton of thanks for Shakeology, because getting healthy is more than workouts. Replacing a meal with Shakeology gave me the energy I needed to Bring It and taught me how to eat clean.

Today, I’m happy, healthy, and confident. My life has changed in so many ways. But honestly, without P90X and Shakeology—I don’t know what would have happened to me. Thanks Beachbody!”

Meet Eric. He participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for October 14th!

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