The P90X Experts

Tony Horton – Professional Trainer

A renowned exercise and fitness specialist, Tony used his knowledge and expertise to build upon his Power 90® success and create a multifaceted workout program for those seeking to advance their level of fitness.

Carrie Wiatt – Nutritional Specialist, Educator, Author, and Chef

Carrie relied on her 20+ years of outstanding achievements in the diet and nutrition industry to develop an individualized eating approach that works in tandem with each of P90X’s three phases.

Mark Sisson – Fitness, Health, and Nutrition Specialist

Mark’s expertise and reputable background in the fields of fitness, nutrition, and anti-aging has enabled him to create the perfect blend of supplements to safely and naturally enhance the results of your P90X workouts.

Ned Farr – Creative Director

Designer, filmmaker, and musician, Ned Farr’s broad vision for the look and feel of the entire P90X system helped make this one of the most entertaining and complete fitness programs ever devised.

Mason Bendewald – Director

Pushing the team to raise the bar for what we can expect from a workout video, every detail—from the on-screen graphic treatment to the look of the routines—was scrutinized and refined by Mason and his editorial partner, Rick Sebeck.

132 thoughts on “The P90X Experts”

  1. how to I access the p90x (1) nutritional plan and (2) chat site? I’d like some direction re. cravings and sleepless nights as a struggling endo-mesomorph. Thanks!

  2. Tony,
    This is my 2nd week of p90x lean-i have a real problem with yoga and i am subbing it with kenpo x which i love!! is that going to hinder my progress?

    1. Lenny,
      Rich is right. How about doing the 1st 15 min and the last 40 min of yoga? You’ll shorten it and skip the more difficult poses. See how that goes for a while.

      But if you really have to substitute another workout for yoga, try the cardio. It’s a combo of yoga, kenpo, plyo and core. So you’ll get the kempo and a little yoga too.


  3. Lenny, you are going to sacrifice some flexibility and balance and strength. We always suggest that you do yoga both because of its importance and also because of where the yoga is scheduled after intense workouts and can be used to recover from them

  4. Hi Lenny,
    Everyone is different and comes into the program with different levels of fitness. If that is what you body needs now, then that is fine. As you get stronger and fitter, I am sure that you will be able to do more and push yourself more.

  5. I’m currently half-way through Phase two–Classic. I’m absolutely loving the results and compliments! Can I replace the yoga x for the x Stretch? Thanks!

    1. Yoga X is more cardio than you would think. But I do have some members that I coach where I recommend they replace X Stretch for Yoga X. This would be members that are working with back issues and need to work on form before taking on Yoga X. If you want to replace X Stretch with Yoga X, I see no problem with that, but keep in mind that you do need a rest day. You may want to do the first 20 min and the last 20 min of Yoga X. This way you’re getting more stretching and not working so hard on your off day.


    1. Cliff, you need to follow the order of the workouts in the guide book that came with your P90X. If you bought a bootleg copy that didn’t come with the guides then follow the instructions in my blog on what to do if you don’t have the guides.

  6. hi, im doing the lean routine workout and there are days i just have to skip a workout coz of pre-scheduled meetings and events that i simply cant attend..what should i do?

    1. Try to make time to do the workout, somehow. Can you get up earlier, do in the evening, or lunch time. To get best results, we have to follow the plan. Is there anything you could cut out to work in the time (i.e. TV). We have to prioritize. I wouldn’t cut family time, but all else is negotiable.

      If you absolutely can’t find the time, pick up where you left off, and press on. The 90 days will be extended, but our fitness/health isn’t just for 90 days, it’s for a lifetime. Most important, don’t give up, keep pushing play.


  7. hi, im doing the lean routine workout and there are days i just have to skip a workout coz of pre-scheduled meetings and events that i simply cant NOT attend..what should i do?

  8. Hi, I am in need of some advice. I bought the program on ebay which turned out to be a bootleg copy. I was asked to prove it’s a bootleg in order to receive my $ back. I will buy the real deal once I receive my $, but I’m not sure how to prove it. It didn’t come with any guides, just the videos. I wish I would have just bought it from the official website in the first place! How can I prove the copy is a bootleg? They said it must be on official letterhead from a person able to prove the difference. Let me know if you know who to contact!

    1. It’s hard to “prove” a copy is bootleg, especially to a bootlegger. They know what they’re selling isn’t legit. Once you’ve handed over your money, even if the DVD’s don’t work right, which is common, getting a refund is nearly impossible.

      As I’ve told friends, write it off as lessons learned, and order the full program from a legit site: You get the full program, and a coach the help you through the program and provide support.

    1. Suck it up and push through! Just kidding, sort of. You do what you can do. If it’s a cold, a good workout will probably help you feel better. Even if it’s a cold where you’re achy, exercise is likely to help you feel better.

      Our mind plays a huge role in how our body feels. If you’re sick, and you workout anyway, your energy level will increase, and your mind may help you get past the cold symptoms.

      If you are injured, don’t work that part of the body, unless you feel you can do so without making it worse. If you have to skip a day, do what you can. You can either make it up (do a double day), skip it (not recommneded regularly), or pick up where you left off.

      Most important, keep pushing play, and enjoy the workouts.


  9. We’ve just started doing some plyos at the local YMCA and were introduced to what P90X is about. I love doing the plyometrics and I have been seriously thinking about purchasing the P90X program. What’s stoping me is that I train for triathlons (Ironman 70.3 distance) and marathons and this takes a lot of my time as it is. How long are the workouts per day. I know this would only make me stronger, but it’s to find the time to fit it all in. I have read some of the comments and I must agree with some that the nutrition support would be a must for me. I’m always hungry, but don’t always choose the right foods. I think I need more info to see if this would be the right move for me???? Thanks

    1. For anyone doing intense training already, listen to your body, and decide if you can do more. P90X routines average one hour long. They are a great workout on their own. Only you can determine if adding this to your current routine would be too much.

      Nutrition is KEY! You have to eat enough, and the right foods, in order to successfully make it through P90X, or any fitness program. The program includes an excellent nutrition guide which explains the proper portions, and includes meal plans.

      Club members ( also have access to customized meal plans and shopping list. And when you’re on the go, and can’t throw together a meal, grab a Shakeology pack ( and you have one of the most nutritious meals you can get.

      Bottom line, whether doing triathlons, P90X, or both, you have to fuel your body properly. Being healthy isn’t just diet or exercise, it’s both.

  10. I am a 46 year old, my son got me started on the program. I really didnt think I would like it or last for that matter.
    I am doing the classic on my 4 th week. i have no problem with the cardio type workouts. My issues are with the yoga,core,type workouts, some of the postions are like yeh right. Should I be moving on even if I can only do a few of the moves? I really like the workouts I do them 5:30 in the morning. what a way to starat the day!!!

    1. Yes, if you can’t do something, try, then press on. It took me 2 1/2 months before I was able to do the “crane” in Yoga X. I was like a kid at Christmas when I was finally able to balance. And yes, it is a GREAT way to start the day!

  11. Hi, I’m 43 y/o and I have always exercise, was a high performance athlete when I was a teen, I rapture my achilles tendon and had surgery back in OCT 08, I’m fully healed but not 100% yet, I would like to purchase P90X but I’m wondering if the intensity of it would be a bit too much for me
    Thanks for your help

    1. For anyone who has an injury, consult a physician before starting any fitness program. We cannot determine if you’re fit to do P90X. I think anyone is capable of doing it, if they commit. But when you’re injured, or recovering, ask a professional.

      With that said, if you can’t do P90X, there are plenty of options. Everyone needs exercise. For a comparison of programs, see:


    1. Hi Karen! If you purchased P90X through Beachbody or a Team Beachbody Coach, you can call Cust. Relations at 800-470-7870 and they will look up your infor and can send them to you (may be a slight charge).

      However, if you purchased it used, I would highly recommend that you purchase a new copy so you can have all of the guides. They have a lot of info in them. Here is a link to view and purchase

      You can still get help by joining Team Beachbody as a free or club member.

      Free Signup Form:

      Club Signup Form:

      You get free coaching with both. With the free membership you will have access to the Classic routine.

      If you go with the club membership, you still get coaching, plus custome meal plans, 10% disc on purchases, and you get access to the Classic and Lean routine. It only $2.99 per week, and well worth it.


  12. Hi, I am in need of some advice. I bought the program on ebay and I was just wondering, if it would be okay for me to continue my regular gym workouts while i do p90x?????

    1. You can continue gym workouts while doing P90X, if you feel up to it. P90X is a full workout. If you feel like you need or want more, go for it. If it becomes too much, stick with P90X and cut back on the gym. Personally, I don’t miss going to the gym. I love waking up, and 30 seconds later I’m in the gym.

  13. where do i go to download the worksheets to record how many reps of exercise I do in each workout?

    1. If your a club member, you can get the worksheets from the Beachbody website under “Get Fit / Fitness Tools”. If you’re not a member, you can sign up for a club membership here: For less than 50 cents a day, you get access to a lot of tools. You can try it out risk free for 30 days.

  14. I have just finised p90x classic and I love it feel great and everybody telling me how good I look and I have lost 40lbs.I would like to know what to do next shoould I take the two week break and what diet should I follow durring this time. I want to do it again so when should I start and which program should I do next. My wife has purchased other beach body products and likes them also.Thanks beach body and Tony Horton you have a great program.

    1. Hi Tom, Nice to hear you’re enjoying your results! The P90X Exercise Guide has a lot of great ideas for doing P90X over and over again.

      They do recommeed taking a short break before starting again. As far as nutrition goes, that depends on what your goals are. If you’re happy at your current weight, then you may want to stick to Phase 2 of the nutrition plan. If you feel you want to cut more fat, then go with Phase 1 again, but not too long on that phase. Max 4-6 weeks.

      And if you decide to do doubles, but want to maintain your weight, you may try Phase 3.

      Keep up the awesome work!


  15. Hello, I am currently considering purchasing P90X but am curious if there are other exercises to substitute for pull-ups. I live in a building that does not allow installation of a pull-up bar, however it does have a workout room that has a pull-up bar-so if no substitutes-could i do the entire dvd workout then quick go and do pull-ups in the workout room-which has a TV but no DVD player so doing the workouts there is also no an option.

    1. Travis, you can also get a door mount and a resistance band and sit with your back to the door so that you can pull straight down like a pull up.

    2. Travis,
      How far is the workout room from where you do P90X? If not far, you can pause the DVD, go do your pull-ups then come back and continue. Also, you can get the pull-up bar that easily goes right on and off a door frame. Nothing to install.

      Good luck!

  16. Hey tony, my name is aaron and i have seen the countless commercials and decided to buy the P90X system, i am about to start but i don’t know what i should do for the exsercise reutine. Like do all the workouts during the said weeks in a row or do excersice, then like kempo or stretch or what???

    1. For the exercise routine, follow the schedule in the fitness guide. You can choose either the Lean, Classic, or Doubles. You can automatically schedule your workouts online by creating a free or club account ( This will also assign you a free coach to help you with the program, the website, nutrition, or any other questions you have. Let me know if you have additional questions.



    1. Jeff, I have the P90X chin up bar and also use the door attachment with a band. Put the band as close to the top of the door as possible and sit with your back against the door so that you can pull straight down.

    2. Jeff,
      My door trim is oversized too. I’m using the resistance bands with the door attachment. What’s good about the DVDs is that there’s always someone who’s using the bands so you can see how it’s done. You can also try Rich’s way below too. They also sell pull-up bars that screw in to the doorway as another option, but they may be more of a pain to attach and remove.

  18. Hey anyone ive been having some trouble lately. dont get me wrong, i saw excellent results with p90x as far as cutting me up however, i do not gain much mass. is there anything i can do or change to help build more muscle mass? i have gone throught the 90 days more than twice now

  19. me and my friends just started p90x and we do not do yoga or kempo is that going to stop our progress or is there anything we can substitute with it?

    1. Hi Phil,
      By skipping the Yoga and Kenpo, you’ll be missing out on the flexibility and balance that P90X can offer you. What about those workouts don’t you like?


  20. Hey all I started this on 19.01.2010. Today is KENPO X and i’m going to bring it like I have all week. I love this program, the dvds and the guide books I love everything about this. For people subbing stuff for other stuff i’d say don’t because I could have filled a bucket with my sweat from YOGA X the other night and PLYOMETRICS X suprised me how many calories I can burn just by getting my body off the floor. I also have ate so cleanly i’m sure to get results, a slight tendonitis issue atm, which is currently being iced so I can Bring It on Monday for Chest and BACK + AB RIPPER X. However, There is one element of this program that is incredibly dissapointing. The website and lack of support. I wrote on here about a week ago about not being able to create an account with Australia as my country. The feedback I received was to create and American account. All well and good except no response from anybody. I’ve created the profile and even got a “coach” who i’ve never heard from. I was tracking my workouts each day when I realised I was wasting my time. I tried to create a group called “Ozzie Boys” for people doing P90X in Australia, and well that was 7 days ago I put in for that submission and no feedback and I check my account today and I’m still in no groups and have recieved no emails. So I’m just leaving feedback how awesome the program is but to state that unless you live in the U.S. or Cananda and even though I bought a legitimate pack from the Australian distributor (which I was determined to do because I was looking forward to the support) you’re on your own. To all starting and to all who are already on their Journey… Bring It. One more thing Keep Pressing Play is not about each day putting the DVD in, that’s the easy part, it is when you’ve hit the wall and you’ve paused the DVD, you’re catching your breath and you so want to collapse… Keep pressing Play!.

    1. Adam, glad to hear that you are loving the program, I do too. Be sure not to overdo it if you have a physical injury. I tried working through a sore back, took me out for a week.

      I’m sorry you did not receive support. I know you cannot be a coach outside the U.S., and ordering products can be difficult, but I thought anyone could be a member.

      I think it’s great that you are not letting this obstacle slow you down. That is so key, to make the journey about you, and your goals. Don’t let anything or anyone slow you down. When we do it for someone else, they can control our success.

      Hopefully by now you have resolved the issues you were having. If not, contact me and I will see what I can do, contact info below. I’m an Independent Beachbody Coach, and take it personally if others are not getting the support we all deserve. Like you, I love the programs, and know they work. I want others to feel this same success.


  21. I am 50 and tried a recovery drink called eas myoplex and I believe it was hurting my kidneys??? I have not used it in the last week and a half and I am good. I would like to know if there is a recovery drink that will not do that. I had the same thing happen 15 years ago. Any ideas.

    1. Phil, I’ve heard of EAS Myoplex, but thought it was just a whey protein. I didn’t realize they made a recovery forumla also.

      There are two two products I would recommend. One is the P90X Results and Recovery formula ( I used a homemade recovery when I started P90X. Pain to measure everything out, and ended up more expensive continually buying juice. With this, just add water.

      The other product is Shakeology ( It’s amazing! I’ve been using it daily for over 9 months, and feel a huge improvement in my energy and health. It’s great for all ages, my 5 & 6 year old love it! Mix the chocolate with water and it tastes like chocolate milk. You can get either chocolate or greenberry, I rotate flavors. It can replace most/all the vitamins people take every day. I could fill this page with great info about it, but go to the link and read. Also, there’s a “bottom of the bag” guarantee. If you don’t like it for any reason, send the bag back, get a full refund (minus shipping/handling).

      Let me know if you need more info, or if you want a sample. I can also tell you how to get 10% or 25% discounts on your order, as well as free shipping.


    2. I was a little sore when I first started P90X, then I purchased the P90X Results and Recovery formula, started taking it, and I’m no longer sore. It tastes good too and I look forward to taking it after my workouts. I have the individual packets so you just add to cold water and stir.

  22. I am seriously considering buying P90x, but my only reservation is that I work 2 12 hr night shifts a week and will only be able to do 4 days a week (because of sleep and commute, etc.) will this be enough to see results?

    1. From what I have experienced so far 4 days a week of you bringing it for the entire workout would probably still give you some results and the program is so diverse that it will give you what you need to see results. If by results you are implying increased muscle mass because you have little body fat then maybe you could afford to cut out some cardio. Or if you need to lose some body fat maybe focus more on cardio untill you feel you are ready to do a workout before or after your night shift. If you do go for it be ready bring it and be sore.

    2. You can get results in only 4 days a week. How you’d work it would depend on what you wanted out of the program. For best results, stay on schedule as much as possible. You could follow the schedule, but have extra rest days, and extend it beyond a 90 day program. Or you could stick to the schedule, but cut the time down, cut out some extra sets. Or, choose a program with more rest days or shorter routines. I’m doing ChaLEAN Extreme ( It has 2 rest days a week, and shorter routines than P90X ( The key is to find a program that will work for you and your schedule. If the schedule is difficult, it’s easy to get off track. Let me know if you need help with a schedule or choosing a program.

  23. Tony
    This is my first week a lean p90x and I love it! I am very sore in my body and have seen you guys recommend the recovery drink!I am concerned with the amount of carbs 40 grams seems like a lot for me. I am wondering if it will put weight on me the wrong way! I want to keep pressing play!

    1. If you are sore, I highly recommend a recovery drink, and drink it within 30 minutes of completing you workout. When I started P90X, I was sore for the first week, then started using a recovery formula.

      The recovery drink ( is a lot of carbs, so calculate it into you daily allowances. Your body will thank you.

      Another option that is lower in carbs is Shakeology ( It’s not specifically a recovery drink, but I know a few people who use it as such, and have good results. I drink it every day as a meal replacement. There is a “bottom of the bag” guarantee. If you don’t like it for any reason, send the bag back, get a full refund (minus shipping/handling).

      Let me know if you need more info, or if you want a sample. I can also tell you how to get 10% or 25% discounts on your order, as well as free shipping.


      1. I used a Whey Protein shake mix and ate banana’s and blueberries, peanut butter, spinach, oranges, drank tons of water and drank some gatorade.. I’m still dogging it after the first two days. I had to do Stretch X today instead of Shoulders and Arms because of soreness.

        1. Jeff, it is normal for people to be very sore after only two days of P90X. Your body might not be used to the exercises and if you haven’t workedout in a long time, you will need time to adjust.

          Make sure you are not pushing too hard. There is a fine line when it comes to pushing yourself and overdoing it. Its good to challenge yourself, but if you are new to intense exercise, you need to pace yourself.

          Also make sure you’re nutrition is very good. Follow the P90X Nutrition Guide as closely as you can. You may want to look into the P90X Rresults & Recovery Formula which is very good Also make sure you are drinking about 64 oz ofwater per day and getting enough sleep.


      2. Jeff, were you using all of that for recovery? Whatever you use, aim for a 4 to 1, carb to protein mixture. All the items you mentioned are great foods/nutrients, but depending on how put together, may not prove to be good for a recovery drink.

  24. I’m wanting to start P90x and my fiance would like to do it also. But he had back surgery 14 months ago due to his disc (lower back) had herniated and caused some nerve damage. He’s recovering quite well and the doctor gave him “GO signal” to workout. We mentioned to him about P90x but the doctor seem to not have heard the said exercise program. Is it safe for him to start P90x? and do you have any advice to a better way to get him started? He’s a bit stubborn that’s why I’m posting this question, so he can read your reply himself. Thanks.

    1. Hi Tomaya,

      Did the doctor give him any specific restrictions on exercise? If he gave him the total green light with no restrictions then P90X will be good. There are some people with 2 or 3 herniated discs that have been successful with P90X. On the Team BeachBody message boards, they have said that they actually felt better after starting P90X.

      But I would proceed slowly. He should use good judgement when doing the exercises, don’t over-do it in the beginning, and perhaps modify some of the cardio/jumping exercises, by not doing as much or by substituting with another exercise (like marching in place instead of jogging at first, and for jumping jacks he can start by marching with wide legs in place and bringing hands over head in a jack formation.). And he should make sure he has good shock absorbing sneakers, and if he does attempt things like jogging in place or jumping jacks, he should do it on a well padded surface (like carpet with good padding or get a cushioned exercise mat/flooring).

      The great thing about Team BeachBody and P90X is that you can join Team BeachBody for free and have access to free support with a coach and through the TBB message boards. If you want to check out Team BeachBody even before you purchase P90X you can do that by joining for free now at To order P90X you can check out

      Hope that helps:)

  25. Hi there, I was wondering if it mattered when i took my rest day. The reason I am asking is because i started the program last week and just found out I have soccer games on tuesdays which would fall on my plyometrics day. I don’t overly want to do both on the same day because my legs were fatigued after the workout but I don’t want to impede my results. I also don’t really want to take 2 days off so my rest day falls on the tuesday then start again either. What do the experts suggest?

  26. Hi, I am in week 4 of p90x classic. I really like all the workouts, but I have a small issue with the Yoga workout. My right wrist was broken many years back, and I find that after about a half hour of the workout, my right wrist begins to get a little sore. Is this going to be a deal breaker? I have pushed through it as far as can, but at some point, while it isn’t painful, it is also not exactly comforting. I know, the motto is bring it!, but when I start to get shooting pains right at the spot where it was broken, it’s alarming. Am I ok to take breaks and do what I can?

    1. Joel, if you are feeling pains like that, definitely take breaks. Better yet, I recommend you check with a doctor to ensure you don’t cause more damage. If you are still feeling, something may not be healed right, or they may tell you to avoid certain things.

      I’m all about “Bring It”, but not break it! If you end up having to avoid certain exercises, we can come up with alternatives. If you don’t already have a coach assigned, feel free to sign up here: I’d be glad to help you. You can also contact me directly if you’d like, info below.

      Keep pushing play, but do it safely!


  27. I just started p90x on monday and found out that i have softball on fridays. I dont want to have to do legs and back which is scheduled for fridays due to the fact that my legs would be all wobbly. I realize that I could just make friday my rest day and saturday my day 1 but since I already started on monday and have done all the way to yoga im wondering the best way to get all the work outs in now. Is it possible to let monday be my day 1 and take a rest on friday and just do my legs and back(day 5) on saturday and just keep it that way throughout?

    1. Tye, and everyone else facing a similar situation, figure out your rest day first and then auto-schedule in WOWY using the next day as Day 1.

      1. so i guess that means that i need to start over on saturday as day 1 and not finish out the week?

    2. Tye, yes you could do as you wrote, and move the rest day. But, for ease of scheduling, I recommend the same as Rich. I know how pumped you get to get rolling with the program, but bumping back one week will seem like nothing.

      If further into the program, I’d say adjust and continue on, mainly because you don’t want to extend the phase 1 diet more than 2 extra weeks.

      The key, make it easy on you. The easier it is to follow, the less to worry about.

      If you don’t already have a WOWY account, sign up here to automatically schedule to full routine. Let me know if you need help scheduling, or have other questions.

      Keep pushing play!


    1. I know, we all want to conquer the hill know as P90X! Trust me, starting over this early in the game will not seem like a big thing in a week or two.

  28. i have to add I love the Yoga x program is helped my flexibility greatly and after 2 months Im finally using the breath on all the moves properly

  29. HI, this is chelsea here. I am only 15 years old and i would like to know if i am allowed to do the workout. Will I stop growing and will it affect my height beacuse i am kinda short and the doctor told me not to do anything that would stop me from growing. Thank You

    1. Hi Chelsea. Working out shouldn’t stop you from growing at all. Its very important for young people to get daily amounts of exercise and its really great that you are considering working out. I would make sure you have your parents’ permission to start P90X. You may want to discuss with them what you want to start and that you will need their support. You may also want to talk to your parents about eating healthy. It will be very important for you to take in the right kinds of foods and right number of calories to support your energy levels and muscle growth.

      Here is a link that you can show your parents where they can order P90X for you and get information on it

      P90X is an intense workout system and does take dedication. You will only see results if you commit to it and eat right. Make sure this is what you really want to do and talk to your parents about it. Team Beachbody makes a lot of really cool dvd workout systems. So if P90X isn’t right for you there are lots to choose from.

      If you want to email me you can at


  30. Can I have coffee while doing the P90X???? Also, any other recovery drink (over the counter) recommended? (I’m on my 1st day… ha!) BRING IT… THE X WAY BABYYY….

    1. Hi Keri! Yes, coffe is okay, just watch the amount you drink and what you put in it. Try and drink a lot of water. The ideal is 64 oz per day.

      As far as recovery drinks go, P90X Results & Recovery is the best. and comes with a money back guarantee.

      If money is the issue, you can always make your own, but it will be inferior to the P90X brand.

      The Team Beachbody Message Boards recommends 8 oz of apple juice to 1 TBS of whey protein. Again, not as good, but in a pinch could work.


    2. Keri, as Jessica mentioned coffee is fine. I believe the nutrition guide list both coffee (black) and tea (unsweetened) as being acceptable. Watch the amounts, caffeine isn’t the greatest substance to take in. Drink lots of water, keep the body flushed, and try to work yourself off the coffee eventually, or at least minimize it.

      Congrats on starting a great program. Not sure what your goals are, but stick to the program and follow the nutrition. You will start feeling the difference within a week or two. And the difference is fantastic.


  31. The workouts are great, except personally I can’t stay focused enough to do Yoga X. It is incredibly boring and tedious to me, is it okay to replace Yoga X with a long run. If it is, how long should the run be, 3 or 4 miles?

    1. Jared, Yoga is a tough one for a lot of people, but as Tony says, it’s also the fountain of youth. What you gain from Yoga X is improved flexibility and stamina for all the workouts. If you’re just starting out, I really recommend you push through, do it for you. Still can’t hang, do the first 45 minutes, the hard part. I still think you should come back and try to do the 2nd half too.

      Running is cardio, yoga isn’t. If you want to run instead, go for a 15 mile run, then yoga won’t seem so bad. Kidding, but honestly, running isn’t yoga. You can run for 3 or 4 miles, but it won’t be the same.


    2. Hi Jared, just like Scott said, the yoga is important for flexibility. I hated this version too for the first few times. I was used to a different syle of yoga. Plus i was used to the Tony Horton that was kidding around and being a little goofy. On this dvd he’s Mr. Serious.

      But it did grow on me. To start out, I just did the first 30 minutes of it. Then I added the last 20 minutes on. At that point, I really started to like it and made the full jump to the whole 90 min.

      I have days where I can’t fit in the entire 90 minute workout, but I still try to get in at least 30-50 minutes of it on my scheduled yoga x day.

      Your body (and mind) will thank you for sticking with it.


  32. Hello! I’m ready to begin the p90x program. I have avascular necrosis so I have a lot of hip pain. I’m prepared to work through the pain, but with limited motion. Are there replacement exercises or recommened alternate exercises (main concern is the kenpo x, yoga x) to reduce the stress on my right hip? My Dr just said to take it easy, but I want to bring it!

  33. Hi Jefferson,
    Did you already purchase P90X? You may have difficulty especially with the Yoga, as you need to be somewhat flexible with all the different movements. How flexible are you in the hips? What are your fitness goals? It’s always better to take your Dr’s advice, but you can modify or skip the exercises you cannot do. You don’t want to risk further injury.

    All the best,


  34. I’m on my 3rd week of p90x lean and I really like it. I am already seeing results my pants fit looser an I am more toned. But I have a 5 month old and a 3 1/2 year old so getting through the workouts can sometimes be difficult. I start the workout as soon as my baby takes a nap and always try to finish even if it mean pausing for a bit or finish while he’s in his swing. But the yoga is just too long I can never get through the whole video. My main goal is losing weight so was wondering if I can replace yoga with cardio? I feel I get so much more out of the cardio, especially because I never get through the yoga and have to start and stop because it is so long. I was wondering what you thought?

    1. Yoga is an important part of the program. It increases your flexibility, enabling you to do the other routines even better. It’s also a recovery workout, giving the body a “break” from the strength and cardio routines.

      A few options. Do the first 45 minutes. Then do the second half later if possible. Start early in the morning before anyone gets up, and do the whole routine. Do half one week, the other half the next.

      I know it’s tough to make a firm schedule, baby’s don’t always follow the schedule. Do the best you can. But, don’t sub cardio for yoga, you need both.


    2. Hi Anj,
      Yoga is good for increasing your flexibility and balance. It’s long, maybe you can do half at time as Scott mentioned. The first half seems more challenging to me.
      As for the cardio, I believe the first 15-20 min is yoga, so you’ll still get some in.

      All the best,

  35. Hey guys..
    I am in recovery week of phase 1 and I have’nt seen any results…
    I do feel I have more energy and such but I just don’t see any results and I am getting dissapointed…
    What am I doing wrong I do all the workouts and eat right… Whats the problem?

    1. Hi Michael, don’t get too discouraged. Just having more nergy alone is a positive result. What you may want to do is take a closer look at your nutrition. Make sure you calculated your calories correctly and are eating you 5 meals per day, plus lots of H2O.

      If you find that these are all in order, don’t panic. It took me longer than 4 weeks to notice results. I’m not sure what your situation is, but I didn’t have alot of weight to lose and wasn’t in bad shape to begin with. I noticed that if you don’t have a lot to lose and are already in decent shape, it will take longer to see results.

      You also may want to start taking measurements of yourself. This is a better indicator than the scale.


    2. Michael – please do not be discouraged as Jessica mentioned. I too did not really see any results the first phase (and I was hoping to though I did not have much to lose) and my weight didn’t budge at all. Be patient and also make sure you take pictures, it is much easier to see with pictures because your body WILL change. It is hard to be patient but trust us I will happen and more energy means being able to push harder in the workouts as well!

      If you feel comfortable with it, you could post an example days eating plan and what your goals are that way we could see if there is another factor that might be stalling your efforts.


  36. I’m starting my 2nd week doing P90X, I am having challenges with the AbRipper X – I had an Emergency C-Section in March (I was given the ok to work out at 8wks pp) – and my abdominal strength is nil! I can do some of the moves – but most are physically impossible. I’m substituting crunches, and situps – to try to build my core strength. Is this ok, until I can actually do the moves on AbRipperX?

    BTW I got through 45days of P90X, and was seeing results before I found out I was pregnant with my last child. Now I’m back on the “horse” with 50lbs of baby weight to loose – I’ve already started seeing weight loss – btwn P90X and breast feeding I’m hoping in a year to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight prior to my first child!


    1. Gretchen,
      Welcome back to P90X. Whatever moves you currently can’t do, don’t do. Don’t force it and cause damage. Crunches and situps are a fine substitute. I recommend still trying to do the AbX exercises. Don’t push it, but at least go through the motions. Modify where needed, and cut back to as many reps as you can do, even if only a few.

      Do your best, and be sure you’re getting enough rest, not easy with the little ones. Setting a one year goal is a great idea, you don’t want to push too hard while juggling life.

      Keep pressing play!


  37. Gretchen,

    Hi! I’m so gad that you’re back on board with P90X! I used P90X after having my 4th baby and have never felt stronger. Like Scott said, crunches and situps are a good substitute for ab ripper but make sure that as you get stronger you remember to add different exercises so that you are using all of the muscles groups in your abs. When you stay consistent you’ll be surprised how quickly you get your strength back.

    If you’ve done 45 days before you’ll do awesome!

    Good Luck and Have Fun!


    Beachbody Site:

  38. I have been really enjoying P90X, following the Lean Routine, for the past 30 days. I am 5’1″ and weight 115. I have worked out everyday for the past 20 years, and eat healthfully. The P90X has been a wonderful change. My only concern is that I have gained 4 pounds. My clothes feel about the same, if not looser. I am wondering whether I will eventually lose this weight. I know that one problem is that I fail to drink enough water and am probably dehydrated. Any suggestions??

    1. You could be dropping fat and putting on muscle, which would cause you to get thinner, but maintain weight. How much weight are you wanting to lose? 115 isn’t heavy for your height. Since you’ve been exercising for years, your body won’t respond as quickly as someone who’s never exercised.

      Drinking more water may help. The less your drink, the more your body will retain. Drink more and it will let it go.

      Are you following the nutrition plan? You need to make sure you’re fueling your body for success, especially with you doing the extra activities. Just like water, if you under eat, you’re body will retain the food that you do eat. With your weight, you should be eating around 1800 calories to drop weight.


    2. Hi Amy! I’m going to agree with Scott on this one. Since you say your clothes fit looser, but the scale says you’re 4 lbs heavier you have probably replaced fat with lean muscle. Try not to go only by what the scale says. Women tend to get to concerned with that number even when all other inidcators show that you’re looking great.

      And yes, drink more water. At least 64 oz per day. And make sure you’re eating between 1700-1800 calories per day if you are going to continue with P90X.


  39. Just an addition to the above…I continue to do my old workouts (about 45 minutes of biking or eliptical) along with the Lean Routine. Perhaps I am doing too much. ?

    1. How’s your energy during your P90X workout, and through the day? As long as you feel fine, adding the extra cardio isn’t a bad thing. It’s all about enjoying life.

  40. Thanks Jessica and Scott for your quick responses!! Yes, I am female and get very concerned about the scale! I averaged 113 prior to P90X and now I am averaging 117. Should I expect the weight to drop back or get used to needing to weigh more if I am doing so much fitness? I have not significantly changed my eating habits, except for substituting more protein for my morning bowl of cereal. I do not want to count calories! I had an eating disorder in my past and don’t want to get back to that, even though it is “in a healthy way”. I don’t want the food part to become obsessive! My energy does seem to lag a little by evening, but I push through it. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! I do plan on upping my water intake for sure!

    1. You don’t “need” to weigh more, but 117 isn’t an unhealthy weight for your height. As long as you’re eating healthy, following the plan, and “bringing it” during the workouts, your body will move towards or maintain your ideal weight.

      I agree, counting calories is no fun. You don’t have to count calories with the program, you can do the portion plan instead. Or if you continue to make progress, either weight loss, or getting more toned, don’t sweat it, keep doing what you’re doing. But do look at the nutrition guide for some ideas.

      Now with your energy level dropping in the evening, I would consider spot checking the calories. I don’t count calories or portions anymore. But I do occasionally see how I’m doing. I use MyFitnessPal and put in my food for a few days to see where I am. As long as I’m close, I stop checking, and press on.

      Lack of energy is usually not eating enough, not getting the right nutrition, not getting enough sleep, stress, or a combination of the above.


    2. Amy, I agree with Scott, you are in a healthy weight range for your height. But this doens’t mean that 117 has to be your weight. As Scottsays,make sure you stick to the nutrition plan, really give it your all with the workouts and try not to miss. If you’re doing everything correctly your body will respond. You may be meant to stay at 117 or go down to 110. The main concern is to be healthy and strong.

      And like Scot also said, if you follow the nutrition guide,you won’t need to count calories at all.


  41. Don’t know if anyone has this answer….What is the average BMI of those individuals who have graduated from the P90X?

    1. I don’t think anyone would have that answer. And to tell you the truth, BMI isn’t a very good indicator of anything. It’s based soley on your height and weight, and doesn’t take into consideration the amount of muscle or body fat you have.

      The general consensus is to use body fat, and use calipers to gauge that. Personally, I prefer to use the scale, the mirror, and my clothes to judge my results. It’s not scientific, but works for me.


    2. Hi Amy, Everyone is different and BMI is not the best way to judge if someone is fit. A 6″0 200 lb muscular man and another man that same height and weight, but out of shape would have the same BMI. BMI only goes by what height and weight you are.

      Some individuals need to do more than one round of P90X in order to achieve their goals. Not everyone gets there in 90 days.

      Just do your best Amy, and forget the rest:) Eat right and keep pushing play as Tony Horton would say. Do this and you will get great results.


  42. So it sounds as if the BMI tool is not a very useful tool for those who are athletic and muscular. My BMI has increased with P90X…so all that is truly saying is the my weight has increased (hopefully muscle weight). I have read that many athletes have BMI in the overweight category. The BMI tool should be banned by us!

    1. There are varying opinions of BMI. Some doctors use it as a rough estimate of “healthy weight”, but maybe that’s because more people are high BMI from fat than muscle.

  43. Can anyone tell me what the average increase in vo2max is for someone who has been participating in the p90x program? I’m doing a paper on fitness programs and I believe in p90x but I need some supporting information.

  44. Cindy,

    Hi! I’ve also tried to find out what the vo2max increase is after using P90x. There isn’t any info I can find that documents the exact percentage. I have found that it significantly helps runners. I know it’s helped me. I just started Insanity which is HIIT (high intensity interval training) and will also increase your vo2max. Sorry I can’t be more specific. If I find out more I’ll let you know. Enjoy your P90X!


  45. hello
    give my sister as a Christmas gift P90-X includes program was great. but my question is which cd start, which routinely start, I want to lose weight at least 20 pounds before starting to build my muscles. yesterday working on cd 11 and cd today the 6 and I was great.

    1. Hi Brenda, you really should follow one of the programs in the P90X Exercise Guide that comes with P90X. There are 3 different programs outlined in there; Classic, Lean and Doubles.

      Classic is great for building upper body strength. Lean is more aerobic and core. And Doubles is doing an extra cardio routine on your “non cardio” days. Thisoneis only meant for super conditioned or people who need to lose a lot of weight. I don’t recommend it if you are new to exercise.


  46. I do not feel comfortable doing the yoga part of the workout circuit on p90x (due to my knowledge about the history and base of yoga), i was not aware of these before i got the vedieo, anyways this is ny first week, what can i do in place of the yoga exercise, it may not necessarily be on your collection of videos. Thanks for your help.

    1. You could do X-Stretch, but it isn’t as good for you as yoga. The stetching Yoga X provides will help with all the other workouts. It helps loosen your muscles, and also helps them recover from the other workouts.

      I’m don’t know the history of yoga. BUt I can tell you, this is strictly exercise. There is nothing religious, immoral, or anything else behind it. Even at the end when Tony has you do ohms, he emphasizes, it’s just relaxing your mind and body, nothing else.

  47. I have been doing P90x for a couple of months and everything is going great. I don’t follow the diet guide however because I am vegan which means I can’t use the recovery drinks either. Where can I find a vegan friendly diet guide for the program? I know chocolate milk is a good recovery drink what about chocolate soy milk? It is a little late for this go around but I would like to follow the diet next time I go through the program.

    1. Hi Adrian, I’m assuming you are avoiding whey protein and that’s why you don’t want to use the P90X Results & Recovery Formula. Chocolate soy milk would be the vegan equivilant to regualr chocolate milk. You could use that. Its not going to be as good as using the P90X Results & Recovery Formula but it should help.

      As far as a vegan diet goes, in the nutrition guide, it does list vegen and vegetarian substitutes for your meals. I just looked at that section the other day. You would use soy alternatives for your dairy and proteins. You could also use legumes as well.

      Another alternative is the custom meal planner that comes with Club Membership. There is a vegetarian option, so you’d have to make some adjustments, but it can give you some good ideas. Here is the link if you want to check that out


  48. I’m currently in Phase 1 Recovery Week (actually in the 5th week because I felt like the first week I wasn’t pushing to my limit) doing Classic P90X but I’ve been adding Cardio-X on days I’m doing weight/resistance training. My regular routine P90X wo is during the AM and I do the Cardio at night if I have extra time (so far 2nd-4th week I’ve put in the time).

    I’m 5’7 182lbs with ALOT of belly fat especially lower abdomen. My calorie ranges in the 2200-2700 range (the high calorie range for days I add the CardioX). I’m a little discouraged that I only lost about 3lbs because I’ve been doing the extra cardio. I definitely do feel I have more energy and noticed my arms and legs have great definition to them but still disappointed that my belly is still there. I am optimistic that if I keep going it will definitely shrink. My question is that now that I am in recovery week, can I add Cardio-X a few times during this recovery? Also would it be wise to replace X-Stretch for Yoga X? I honestly can’t stand YogaX because its 90-min and have been dreading up to recovery week because its in there twice but I do like to challenge myself and wouldn’t mind adding it now for a third time. I feel it makes me relaxed and loose after I’m done with it. Plus it keeps me in heart rate zone and I sweat alot.

    1. You’re only around one month in. While you can make a lot of changes in a month, give it longer. Have you tried sticking with ~2200 calories, even on the extra cardio days? If you bonk repeatedly, bump up the calories. But you shouldn’t “need” the extra, and it will speed the weight loss if you stay around 2200.

      X-Stretch isn’t a good replacement for Yoga X. I not a fan of YogaX either, but, it serves a vital role, prepping your body for the beating the other workouts put you through. My struggle with it is all mental, 90 minutes is a long time. When possible, do the whole thing, your body will thank you. If time is short, do the first ~45 minutes, and if possible, do the rest later in the day.

      1. Hi Scott,
        Thank you for the reply. I will try to keep the calories around the 2200 range even on the extra cardio days. I was just worried because I know Tony says in the video to make sure I have enough calories for it.
        I think you may have misunderstood, I never intentionally wanted to replace Yoga X but replace X-Stretch (to be honest I have never even tried X-stretch through this whole 5 weeks). Fortunately I replaced X-Stretch for Yoga X during my recovery week which is the week I’m currently in and I feel great (Yes 90-min of Yoga-X on Thanksgiving Day, =) no regrets ). I feel the stretch during Yoga-X anyway. I do go through the whole 90-min every time which I hate but I suck it up and just do it anyway. So tomorrow will be my 3rd Yoga-X for this recovery week and feel good about it since it keeps me in my heart rate zone and I sweat a lot.
        My question is, would it be okay to add Cardio X during my recovery week? I know recovery week is important and I wanted to burn some extra fat but I was afraid to burn myself out before heading into Phase 2. Since my recovery week is almost over, this question would refer before heading into Phase 3. Thanks Hope you had a great Thanksgiving

        1. Hi JBP,
          My apologies, I just reread your original message, and I did misunderstand. During the “regular” weeks, X Stretch is optional, but is a nice stretch to loosen the muscles. During recovery week, replacing it with Yoga is fine, but make sure you’re allowing your body to rest.

          It’s great that you enjoy it. I enjoyed Yoga X more on my first few rounds of P90X. I’d clear a 2 hour window to do it, even though it’s only 90 minutes. This way, I didn’t watch the clock. Now, it’s harder for me to mentally clear that block of time, and I find myself wanting to rush the time.

          You’re correct, recovery week is important. Cardio X isn’t extreme, but I wouldn’t add it, unless…. If this is your first round, stick to schedule as much as possible. On subsequent rounds, kill the workouts during the “regular” weeks. Allow your body to recover during recovery week. Add additional exercises as you feel, listen to your body. I love Kenpo X. So I add it in occasionally, even during recovery. I just don’t push hard at those times.

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