How to schedule your P90X workouts if you don’t have the guide

Hey everybody, P90X auto-scheduling is back!  All you need to do is to join the Team Beachbody community (just like before) and you can go into WOWY and know exactly what to do for P90X Classic.  You can automatically schedule your complete Beachbody® workout program in the WOWY SuperGym®  (make sure P90X is in your library of workouts).  After you enter a start date and time, your Workout Calendar will tell you what to do each day for the complete length of your program.

In addition to the official workout schedules, which can also be found in your program guidebook, you’ll see some approved alternatives. If you want, you can try these as a change of pace or to add variety when doing a second or third round.

To join the Team Beachbody community, just click on this link.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at or you can send me a direct message on Twitter or Facebook

8 thoughts on “How to schedule your P90X workouts if you don’t have the guide”

  1. Hello,
    I just purchased the p90x but without the guidebooks. so im going to do the wowy work out schedule but the only thing is there is no option for classic, double, or lean. I dont want to bulk up so what i need to know is which work out is the wowy more or less like?

    1. Jr.,
      If you have P90X without the nutrition guide the best thing to do is sign up for a Club Membership here: ( With the club membership you are able to get a custom meal plan targeted to your goals. Along with many other great benefits like; recipes, a fitness coach, progress tracker and many many more.

  2. i have p90x and i dont understand…there is classic doubles and lean…do we do it in a sequence? like first month classic then doubles then lean…or do we pick either one and stick to it for the 90 days
    and i plan on bulking up so which one should i do

  3. HI i purchased the px90 program a couple years ago and it sat collecting dust for various reasons until i moved recently. Unfortunately i lost the books and tension bands in the move. I was sure I packed them but apparently not. I still heve the pull up bar and the dvd’s . I would really like to start the program now but I need to replace what I am missing. Any chance I can just re-buy them? Thanks for you help.

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