Tag Archives: turbo jam

Only as old as you feel – and look!

Lisa's Before PictureLisa's After PhotoOne fateful night, Lisa forgot to set the sleep timer on her TV and woke up at 2am to the sound of Debbie Siebers and her Slim in 6® infomercial. Lisa knew she wanted to get in shape for her upcoming 45th birthday and 25th wedding anniversary but wasn’t sure about purchasing something off an infomercial. She wrote the number down and went back to sleep. When she woke up, her reservations were gone, and she ordered the program promptly. While waiting for the package to arrive, she didn’t waste any time and jumped right on the Message Boards. She was blown away by the amount of people and support she found in WOWY®.

When Slim in 6 arrived, she started Pushing Play right away. Lisa fell in love with the Debbie Siebers’ Slim Series® and was able, for the first time, to maintain her weight loss. After completing 2 rounds of Slim in 6, she decided it was time to push a little further. She ordered Turbo Jam® and Turbo Jam® Maximum Results and fell in love all over again. Lisa says that one of her favorite things about Beachbody® products is that she can mix and match the programs to help keep things fresh.

A few months later, one of Lisa’s friends recommended that she try P90X®. At first, she thought she was crazy and that only “hardcore” people could do the X. Her friend assured her that it had worked for her, and it would work for Lisa, too. She bought the program and completed the first 90-day round. Much to her surprise, she loved the program even more than the ones she had tried before. In fact, Lisa says she couldn’t imagine life without P90X. While doing the program, she learned to push her body to the absolute limit. Now, she can do things that she couldn’t do 15 years ago! Since she started Pushing Play with Beachbody, Lisa has lost 30 pounds, 15 percent body fat, and 11 inches off of her body! She’s had such great success that she recently became a Team Beachbody® Coach and looks forward to helping people achieve the same amazing results that she did.